Lokacija: Športni park Šiška, Milčinskega ulica (severni teniški balon trojček)
Zemljevid: Tenis klub Center Court
Zemljevid: Tenis klub Center Court
Price ranges |
Obiskovalci |
Cena dopoldne
13,00€ |
Cena popoldne
15,00€ |
Cena zvečer
17,00€ |
Booking rules at the sport club
How many hours prior to the term the bookings can be deleted: 6hMax number of booked terms in future: 3
Max bookings per day: 6
If days ahead is 0 this means current day. 7 means today plus 7 days.
- How many days ahead you can book: 7
- Num. of allowed bookings per day: 4
- Max booked terms in future: 100
For more information please contact the sport club directly 041 557 027 | 040 260 348, https://www.facebook.com/tkcentercourt